Seven above 12% cash on cash return, one at 21%. Today's list: OR, ME, NH, MO, WA, PA, TN, NY, and GA.
Four above 14% cash on cash return. One at 28.7%. Today's list: MI, GA, CA, ME, TN, and MO.
Six above 13% cash on cash return. Today's list: ME, NH, NY, MN, HI, MI, VT, IN, and NM.
Seven over 15% cash on cash return. Today's list: ME, VT, PA, MI, AR, IL, CO, GA, WA, and TN.
Six above 13% cash on cash return. Today's list: OR, ME, PA, NC, AK, NY, NH, WA, and GA.
Four above 11% cash on cash return. Today's list: WA, CO, NH, AZ, VT, NC, NY, and ME.
Three bedroom lakefront under $380k with an 11.4% cash on cash return. Today's list: NH, GA, HI, ME, VA, CO, and MN.
Six above 12% cash on cash return. Today's list: IN, NC, OR, WV, MT, NY, MI, and TN.
Desert, mountain, lakefront, A-frame; runs the gamut. Today's list: OR, NM, NC, CA, CO, TN, GA, PA, CT, and WA.
Open concept chalet under $180k with a 23.9% cash on cash return. Today's list: GA, NH, AZ, SC, TN, and PA.
A-frame under $160k with a 27.2% cash on cash return. Today's list: WV, ME, SC, AK, NY, MI, TN, WA, GA, and PA.
Log home with lake views under $300k with a 29.4% cash on cash return. Today's list: NY, NC, ME, AZ, VT, TN, and GA.